Acupuncture as treatment is usually used as a complementary medical practice. Acupuncture refers to stimulating specific points on the body with fine, sterile needles to alleviate pain and treat a variety of conditions. Practitioners believe that there is an energy flow known as QI found in “meridians” in the body. Acupuncture removes energy blockages to allow the bodies QI to properly balance. When one’s QI is balanced, they are healthy, and when it is not balanced that is when pain and illness occur.
Acupuncture is usually done by hand by a trained practitioner making the treatment extremely safe. There are other types of acupuncture that make use of electrical stimulations where sometimes no needles at all are used. This can sometimes be referred to as acupressure however the method of acupuncture with needles is far more common. In some cases, practitioners may combine acupuncture with acupressure, cupping or laser stimulation for optimal results.
There are many different theories on the origins and effectiveness of acupuncture dating back as far as 6000 BCE when sharpened bones were found and interpreted as acupuncture tools. Whilst it is widely acknowledged that acupuncture is derived from China there is one other piece of evidence that tells a different story. In 3300 BCE a well-preserved mummy dubbed the “Ice Man” was discovered on the border of Austria and Italy. The “Ice Man” had tattoos corresponding with areas of his body that had been experienced age-induced degeneration. It has been speculated that the specificity of these tattoos displays a form of acupuncture or acupressure that was developed independently of China.
The first concrete evidence that we have to the existence of acupuncture is from approximately 300 to 100 BCE. “The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine” is a compilation of traditions and is in fact still cited by medical professionals today. However, Acupuncture did not sore to popularity in America and Europe until after a visit from President Richard Nixon to China in 1972. A New York Journalist by the name of James Reston was covering the president and was treated with acupuncture for pain following an appendectomy. His firsthand account of the treatment was widely publicised and really improved the credibility of acupuncture in Europe and America.
Acupuncture focuses on more than just physical wellbeing taking a holistic approach to health. The goal of acupuncture as a complementary medicine is to provide both mind and body therapy. The World Health Organisation has now, in fact, determined that there is supportive evidence of acupuncture scientifically assisting with over 40 health conditions.
According to the World Health Organisation, there have now been over 13,000 academic studies conducted on acupuncture in over 60 countries in the last 20 years alone. In 2017 the entire literature base of academic knowledge on acupuncture was summarised by Dr Stephen Janz. Janz reviewed the effectiveness of acupuncture around the world and has stated that it is no longer possible to attribute the effectiveness of acupuncture to be a placebo or to only benefit musculoskeletal pain.
One of the first questions people tend to ask about acupuncture is whether it causes pain. This is extremely understandable as we have all been taught from a young age to associate needles with pain. However, acupuncture is largely painless. In reality, one of the most common reasons for using acupuncture is to reduce chronic pains that your body is experiencing. Needles in acupuncture are only used once and are totally sterile to ensure complete safety. They are approximately 10 times smaller than an average needle and cause a slight sensation during the treatment.
In today’s’ world we are often moving at 100 miles an hour for most of our waking day and plugged into anxiety-inducing social media world for the rest of it. It is extremely difficult to just take a moment to recharge our bodies and minds. Operating in this state of chronic stress can take extreme tolls on our bodies and personal lives. It is more important than ever to set time aside to recover both our bodies and minds. Acupuncture is a fantastic complimentary therapy for anyone currently experiencing anxiety or mood swings. People who experience acupuncture treatment have been known to be in a near trance-like state of relaxation. However, this is not a onetime fix and you should expect to undergo regular sessions for at least a few weeks to see the benefits of the treatment.
According to the sleep health foundation, at least 10% of the world’s population has mild sleep disorders. Acupuncture can be one of the most cost-effective and just plain effective treatments for people who find it difficult to get to sleep. Acupuncture aims to stimulate your brain to produce more neurotransmitters that aid with relaxation and sleep. The gentle needling addresses your bodies’ imbalances and will not cause any side effects unlike other methods of treating insomnia.
As long as your acupuncture session is conducted by a well-trained acupuncturist there are no real downsides to giving acupuncture a chance! It might just be the complementary treatment option that makes you feel better. At Studio Musculoskeletal we strongly believe that acupuncture combined with massage and good nutrition is the best formula for achieving good health and overall wellbeing. The traditional methods of Chinese acupuncture and modern Western methodologies have been scientifically proven to achieve not just physical but also mental benefits.
Often it can take some time for the acupuncture treatment to take effect. The longer you have had a condition the longer it takes to treat. However, you can expect to feel the benefits of being more rejuvenated and relaxed right away. If you are ready to feel more relaxed, less pain and enjoy a better nights’ sleep then please book a session through the link below. If you have any more questions, feel free to contact us HERE or send us a direct message on Facebook.